Renewable Heat Incentive Calculator

Find out what kind of financial returns you might expect from installing
a biomass boiler as opposed to a fossil fuel equivalent

(To be used as a guide only - read more)

Get started:
* My postcode is
* The biomass boiler is proposed for a premises

* My current heating fuel is
* My annual fuel use is kWh
* My annual fuel use is litres per year

* The size of the biomass boiler I intend to install is kW

Get mini report or add further detail:
I currently pay £ per litre for heating oil

I intend to run the new biomass boiler on

I will be paying £ per tonne delivered for my wood pellets

I have been quoted an installed price of £ for my biomass heating system

I have been quoted an installed price of £ for an equivalent replacement heating oil heating system

Get full report

This calculator is only a ready reckoner. Please read the assumptions to understand the limitations of this tool.