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Welcome to
The Mersey Forest

Did you know?

We’ve planted almost 10 million trees across Cheshire and Merseyside

Forest floor with bluebells
Illustration of person cycling through tree lined street

About us

We’re Cheshire and Merseyside’s Community Forest. We create more with trees – acting together to grow tree cover to 30% across our area; intertwining cherished trees with enriched people, flourishing nature, climate resilience, and rekindled hope.

We’ll achieve this by working with our partners, communities, businesses, landowners and managers, establishing thriving trees, woodlands and other habitats for the benefit of all.

Our plan

We have a long term and strategic forest plan that guides our work. The plan is currently being updated and there is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on the draft plan.

Our work

We work and support a wide range of projects across the area, from woodland establishment and management, urban greening, nature recovery initiatives, flood resilience and health and education programmes.

Family helping out on planting day

Get involved

Whether you’re a resident, landowner, business or community group in the area there are lots of ways you can get involved and help us to grow The Mersey Forest.


Find out about our latest news and work throughout the area.