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Did you know?

323,400 trees were established in The Mersey Forest in the last planting season

Picture of a woodland with yellow flowers on ground

Grants currently available

We have several grants currently available to help landowners, managers, community groups and partners fund tree planting and woodland creation projects across Cheshire and Merseyside.  
Our experienced team can guide you through the application process, supporting you with design and species selection, all the way through to getting your trees in the ground. We have experience of helping a wide range of landowners with their tree planting projects. From supporting schools or community groups to plant more trees on their grounds to working with farmers to establish agroforestry projects, hedgerows or planting on an unused corner of a field. We can support your project no matter how large or small. 

Complete our online form below and a member of the team will get back to you.

person planting tree

Trees for Climate programme

Trees for Climate is a multi-million pound woodland creation programme that is only available in England’s Community Forest areas. The programme is part of the Government-led Nature for Climate Fund. The benefits of this scheme includes:

  • Funding to cover up to 100% of the costs of woodland creation
  • Up to 15 years maintenance payments included
  • Flexible scheme to suit your site requirements
  • Funding for tree guards, fencing and gates included
  • Free advice and support from our team throughout the design, planning and planting process.

Grow Back Greener

Our Grow Back Greener funding is also part of the Government-led Nature for Climate Fund. This programme can fund standard and half standard trees and is used for many of our urban planting projects.

The benefits of this scheme include:

  • Funding to cover up to 100% of the costs of woodland creation
  • Funding for post planting maintenance
  • Variety of woodland types
  • Support for small and large-scale projects
  • Funding for fences, gates, paths, benches and more.
  • Free advice and support from our team throughout the design, planning and planting process.

Other Grants

There are a number of other woodland creation grants available nationwide that are also available in our area: