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Campaigners call for "50 Mersey Forests" nationwide

13 January 2012

Leading environmentalists, foresters and campaigners have called for the planting of 1 billion trees across England by 2050, including "replicating the community woods of the Mersey Forest around a further 50 urban fringes."


The rallying call comes in the new vision document from Our Forests, the 'ginger group' set up in the midst of last winter's fierce public debate about the future of forestry policy in England. The group includes Rod Leslie, former Chief Executive of Forest Enterprise, Tony Juniper, former head of Friends of the Earth, and Jonathon Porritt, founder of Forum for the Future and former head of the Sustainable Development Commission. 

The document, reported on by both The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian, is also set to be promoted by prominent campaigning organisation 38 Degrees who will share it with their 750,000 members to ask their views about the future of England's woodlands.


Related documents:
Our Forests - a vision for England's woods and forests
13 January 2012
Vision document by Our Forests, the 'ginger group' of leading environmentalists, professional foresters and grassroots campaigners. The vision advocates "replicating the community woods of the Mersey Forest around a further 50 urban fringes".
pdf iconView our-forests-vision.pdf Our Forests vision (1.23 MB)

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