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Championing woodland access

02 March 2012

A well-informed recent letter in the Warrington Guardian has highlighted that the debate over the future of England's woodlands is not over yet.


Despite slipping from the national headlines, Great Sankey's Charles Sawyer reminds people that the independent panel set up by the government to create recommendations for future policy is still working towards its final report which will be published this spring.


Mr Sawyer emphasises the importance of having access to local woodlands, highlighting Delamere Forest in particular: "I love it because I live in a built up town and it is my opportunity to get some fresh air, exercise and time to relax."


Read the full letter.


The Mersey Forest has its say

In November 2011 Director of The Mersey Forest Paul Nolan was invited to meet the independent panel to discuss the importance and benefits of community forestry in his capacity as chair of England's Community Forests. The panel tweeted following the meeting that it was an "informative discussion".


The meeting followed a visit by the panel's chair, The Bishop of Liverpool, James Jones, to the city's recently created Mab Lane Community Woodland in June 2011 with The Mersey Forest and partners. He heard from local residents who said: "We hope he took away a positive impression and he could clearly see the amount of hard work and effort that has gone into making the woodland a very valuable community resource."


You can follow the latest news from the independent panel on their Twitter page.










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