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ForeStClim photo exhibition and final conference comes to The Mersey Forest

16 November 2012

A forestry and climate change project that has brought The Mersey Forest together with 20 other organisations from across Europe held its final conference in Liverpool this month.

The conference, which took place from 13-15 November, pulled together experts from all over the world to discuss the findings of ForeStClim, which was funded through the EU Interreg IVB programme. This project has examined the impact of climate change upon forestry, for example pinpointing the species of trees which will cope best in a warmer climate.

The conference kicked off with the opening of the International ForeStClim Photography Exhibition at Risley Moss Nature Reserve, Warrington, on Tuesday 13 November.
The exhibition includes 200 photographs submitted by professional and amateur photographers from all over the world. It will be on display in Warrington until February, when it will be relocated to Brittany, France.

Dr. Gebhard Schueler, director of the ForeStClim project, said: "The exhibition displays poignant images of the impact of climate change on humans and forestry.

"We believe that photographs can touch people and instigate change more effectively than scientific reports or studies."

The main conference took place the next day in Liverpool's Merseyside Maritime Museum, and included talks about climate change, biomass, green infrastructure planning and forest pests. On the final day, delegates spent a day in Sefton's coastal pinewoods, one of the project's study areas. See footage from the conference and field trip in this short video by Damon Peacock, one of the attendees. Our friends at Warrington Nature Conservation Forum also took some photos.


Pat McCloskey, Chair of The Mersey Forest Partnership said: "It's been really beneficial for The Mersey Forest to work with experts from across Europe. Learning from countries with hotter climates is helping us to prepare our local woods for the increased temperatures and other challenges that they will face in years to come."








Your comments:

The Mersey Forest Team 07/01/2013 10:08

Jim Sullivan 06/01/2013 09:09

I've just been to Risley Moss and I have to say that I wasn't impressed. The photography itself is great, but there are dozens of enormous display panels which look hugely out of place.

Sorry to be a grouch, but I hated it!

I also wonder how much taxpayers' money went into this. I note it was funded by the EU (ie us). Are we really sure that spending money on a photo exhibition does more for the environment than, say, planting trees?

Janet Blaydon 16/12/2012 12:12

Wonderful exhibition. Needs more publicity.

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