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Get involved this seed gathering season

30 September 2022

Across The Mersey Forest over the past 30 years, over 9 million trees have been planted. These trees have created new woodlands, providing green spaces that are well used by local communities for walking and exercise.

Our woodlands provide a space for wildlife to thrive and, by introducing more green space, has improved the quality of place around our cities and towns. 

These trees are also playing their part to tackle climate change by locking up carbon, reducing flood risk, cooling us in heatwaves and, bringing nature closer to our communities, reducing our need to travel to access walks in woods.  

But we need to do more. Over the next few years, we want to plant another one million trees. 

And we need your help to achieve this. 
How to get involved

Every few years trees produce a super crop of seed, such as an abundance of acorns on Oak trees – and this year is one such year.

To make the most of this phenomenon, we're asking people in the area to collect a few acorns or other tree seed
s to grow at home, in either an old plant pot or even a yogurt pot on your windowsill.  

Schools can get involved too by getting each class to grow a selection of seeds.

You can help to tackle climate change and support new habitats for wildlife by simply picking up seeds and planting a yogurt pot full of soil – and giving it a little water from time to time – simple and effective. 

You may choose a seed from a favourite tree, or a random acorn you spot. 
Either way, it will be your tree, and contribute in a small way to helping to tackle climate change and helping to grow the Mersey Forest and wider Northern Forest that we are part of. 

It will take around a year for the seed to grow and be ready to plant into a woodland, though you can keep it for a further year to grow bigger.  
In late 2023 we will publicise places where your tree can be planted or where you can donate it for planting.  Follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages to keep up to date.

Further information

The Tree Council has a fantastic guide on growing trees from seed which is available on their seed gathering season webpage.

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