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Hundreds of families enjoy the magic at The Elf and Fairy Fair

02 October 2012

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Hundreds of families descended on a sun-drenched Sutton Manor Community Woodland on 22 September for The Elf & Fairy Fair.


They enjoyed woodland crafts, enchanted storytelling, marshmallows around the fire and more as part of The Mersey Forest's Access to Nature project to encourage more people to explore their local environment.


More than a thousand revellers came along dressed as wizards, elves and fairies and added to their costumes throughout the afternoon by using natural materials to make wands, wings, fairy crowns and jewellery in the Fair's six woodland workshops.


Mum of two Dawn Holden said: "We have some beautiful countryside just outside our front door but we don't always see its beauty - an event like this brings people to these beautiful places. We had a tired elf and fairy in our house that evening!"


Sharon Prendergast from Newton-Le-Willows added: "What an absolutely fabulous day – we need more family days out like that."

The free event was opened by Mayor of St.Helens Councillor Geoff Almond, who began the proceedings at midday by presenting a special gift to birthday girl Abigail Atherton, who had chosen to celebrate her third birthday at the event with her mum Ellen and family.

The afternoon was organised by The Mersey Forest in partnership with Forestry Commission and St.Helens Council as part of Access to Nature, a national scheme run by Natural England and funded by the Big Lottery Fund. The Fair was also part-funded by the EU Interreg IVb programme, as part of the Pure Hubs project.

To view more photos from the day, visit our Facebook pages. Find out about future Access to Nature events in south St.Helens, including "green gym" sessions and a family survival day on Sunday 21st October, by visiting the Bold Forest Park website or by calling The Mersey Forest on 01925 816217. 



Related documents:
PRESS RELEASE: Hundreds of families join the magic at the Elf & Fairy Fair
02 October 2012
Hundreds of families descended on a sun-drenched Sutton Manor Community Woodland on 22 September for The Elf & Fairy Fair.
pdf iconView Elf and Fairy Fair post event.pdf press release (70.84 KB)

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