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Mindfulness and forests report released

18 October 2013

Spending time in forests and woodlands can have a significant positive impact on physical and mental health and wellbeing, a report has found.


The report, commissioned by The Mersey Forest and compiled by Forestry Commission's Forest Research division, explores the health benefits associated with different forms of mindfulness in the forest, from the Japanese concept of forest-bathing to forest walking.  


You can read the full report by accessing the link below.

Related documents:
Mindfulness practice in woods and forests: an evidence review, by Dr Bianca Ambrose-Oji
18 October 2013
A report by Forest Research, commissioned by The Mersey Forest, about the evidence base for mindfulness within forestry and woodlands
pdf iconView Mindfulness and Woods Evidence Review BAO October 2013 CORRECTED.pdf report (1.32 MB)

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