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New Liverpool City region green partnership launched

11 December 2013

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A new green partnership promoting the benefits of the natural environment was launched in Liverpool yesterday.


The partnership, Nature Connected, was officially launched at an event at the Isla Gladstone Conservatory in Stanley Park, Liverpool.


Nature Connected brings public, private and third sector organisations together for the first time to help reap the benefits of the natural environment for people, wildlife and the economy. 


It's also focussed on embedding the natural environment into local decision-making. 


At the launch event, over 140 people gathered to hear speakers including Gideon Ben-Tovim, Chair of Nature Connected, Ali Machray, Editor of the Liverpool Echo, and Sheena Ramsey, Chief Executive of Knowsley Council. 



"Nature is a capital like any other capital. We need to manage it responsibly or we will lose the wealth on our doorsteps"

Roy Haines-Young, University of Nottingham 



The speakers discussed issues such as the relationship between attractive green spaces and investment, economic growth in the City Region, and the importance of green space in breaking down health inequalities. 


The Mersey Forest's Jo Sayers and Paul Nolan both spoke at the event, with the former focussing on the positive benefits of Forest School on children's development, and the latter introducing Nature at Work, the evidence base behind Nature Connected and Liverpool City Region's first green infrastructure strategy. 


Paul Nolan, Director of The Mersey Forest, said: "Nature at Work provides the evidence base which can be used to make the case for investing in our natural assets. 


"It shows that managing our green spaces effectively can boost growth, help mitigate climate change and drive tourism to the city region, reduce health inequalities, and make the city region a place where people want to live, work and play. 


"Following its launch yesterday, I'm really looking forward to having a more joined-up conversation about the relationship between the economy and our natural environment." 


The event was also an opportunity to showcase local enthusiasm for the natural environment. Attendees added their own pledges, hopes and aspirations for Liverpool City Region to a pledge tree. New Brighton Primary School, Wirral, sent in schoolchildren's artwork which conveyed their aspirations for the area in 30 years time, exploring themes of climate change and wildlife. This artwork was displayed at the event alongside projects from Liverpool PCT, The Mersey Forest and Merseyside Bio Bank. 


 To read the Action Plan for Liverpool City Region's green spaces, visit the Nature at Work homepage. To find out more about Nature Connected, visit the website


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