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Revitalise your wellbeing this new year with Cheshire's Natural Health Service

19 December 2023

As the calendar turns a new leaf, and people consider what resolutions they are setting for the year ahead, there's no better time to prioritise your well-being.

Cheshire's Natural Health Service Programme offers a unique and refreshing approach to kickstart your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Explore some of the benefits and experiences of taking part in this local initiative.
  • Connecting with nature – Cheshire's Natural Health Servic programme encourages individuals to immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural world. Whether it's a serene woodland walk, taking part in some gardening activities or simply pausing to appreciate the stillness of nature during an outdoor mindfulness session, the program emphasises the therapeutic power of the outdoors.
  • Physical activity in green spaces - engaging in physical activity surrounded by nature is a cornerstone of the programme. From invigorating walks around Marbury Park to healthy conservation sessions that allow people of all abilities to get involved and get active while helping the local environment, the Mersey Forest provides a diverse range of opportunities to get active. Exercise in natural settings has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall fitness.
  • Mindful moments - The New Year often prompts reflections on mental well-being. Cheshire's Natural Health Service encourages mindfulness and meditation amidst the tranquillity of a woodland or greenspace. Mindful moments in nature can enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and promote a sense of inner calm. 
  • Embrace the seasons - The Natural Health Service programme runs throughout the year, whatever the weather. It provides a great opportunity to watch the seasons change and connect you more with natures natural cycles, something many of us have come disconnected from, as we spend more of our lives indoors. 
  • Social connections - The community aspect of the Natural Health Service is invaluable. Joining the programme provides opportunities to connect with others in your community who are looking at ways to improve their wellbeing. Social interactions in natural settings foster a sense of belonging and support and many of our regular participants have shared how much they enjoy this aspect of the sessions. 
  • New Year, new habits - As resolutions are set for the New Year, participating in Cheshire's Natural Health Service Programme provides a unique avenue to develop sustainable, health-focused habits. Whether it's committing to regular nature walks, embracing mindful practices, or incorporating forest-based fitness routines, the programme supports positive lifestyle changes. If you can't make the dates and times, you can still take inspiration from the programme and head out to your local woodland, park or greenspace to get active. Visit our things to do page for some ideas of places to visit.  
  • Accessible and inclusive - The programme strives to be accessible to everyone. Our programmes and activities are designed to accommodate varying fitness levels and abilities, ensuring that individuals of all ages and backgrounds can participate and enjoy the numerous health benefits. 
Let 2024 be the year you put yourself first, committing to get outside that bit more, breathing in the forest air, and connecting more with nature. Whether you're seeking physical fitness, improving your mental health, or creating more social connections, Cheshire's Natural Health Service could be the programme for you. 
Find out more about all our activities on the Natural Health Service website


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