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Study: Depictions of nature in kids' books have halved since 1960

21 February 2012

In a sign of how children are at risk of becoming disconnected from nature, an academic study has found a steep decline in depictions of the natural environment in children's books over the past 50 years.


The study in the American journal Sociological Inquiry (and reported on provides yet another argument for initiatives like Forest School - an approach to outdoor education which gets children learning the curriculum in woodland environments to re-engage them with nature.


Fighting back in Merseyside and North Cheshire

The Mersey Forest has championed Forest School across Merseyside and North Cheshire, helping more than 2,500 children to benefit from den building, mini-beast hunting and outdoor cooking. The lessons have been shown to not only boost children's interest in the natural world, but also to improve their confidence and social skills.


If your school would like to find out more about Forest School, contact us.


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