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Big Tree Plant

The Mersey Forest contributed to a national campaign called the Big Tree Plant, which planted one million trees between 2011-2015.

Over the four years 62,336 trees were planted which equated to the Mersey Forest planting 6% of England's total Big Tree Plant target of 1 million trees.


The Defra-funded initiative finished in March 2015 and The Mersey Forest exceeded targets every single year, with the final year achieving the planting of 17,234 new trees.



The Big Tree Plant was a national partnership bringing together the wide range of organisations who already planted trees, as well as civic and community groups working with Defra and the Forestry Commission. The Mersey Forest secured £255,000 from Defra to plant trees in Merseyside and North Cheshire over four years.




Big Tree Plant complemented the work of ForeStClim – an EU-funded environmental project that looked at forests and climate change across North West Europe. The majority of Big Tree Plant planting schemes focused on urban areas of high deprivation, which lack in green space and are therefore most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.



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