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Green Streets

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Green Streets is The Mersey Forest's programme of urban street tree planting that is improving our neighbourhoods and bringing communities together.


Thousands of street trees

Since 2007 we have worked with a wide range of partners to plant thousands of street trees to brighten neighbourhoods across Merseyside and North Cheshire, delivering the following benefits:

REDUCING AIR POLLUTION Street trees improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and  intercepting harmful particulates. FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE
Increasing tree cover in towns and cities
by just 10% can keep surface temperatures
at current levels despite climate change
(University of Manchester). IMPROVING IMAGE
Street trees improve the image of our
neighbourhoods and make them even
better places to live, work and invest. BUILDING COMMUNITIES
Getting residents involved in
caring for their trees helps them
re-connect with their neighbours. BOOSTING HEALTH
Research shows that children who live
in tree-lined streets have lower rates
of asthma (Columbia University, USA). BENEFITING WILDLIFE
As well as being great for people,
street trees also offer much needed
habitat for wildlife too.

Funding and case studies

Green Streets is funded by a range of council and partner environmental programmes, including Section 106 payments. Here's a taster of some of the communities we've worked with to enhance people's neighbourhoods and make our towns and cities even better places to live and work:


Ellesmere Port

Residents pose with their new street trees in Ellesmere Port



Street trees in central reservation of urban dual carriageway

Visit the Ellesmere Port Green Streets blog.






Local community pose with newly planted street tree

Read our "Story so far" Kirkby case study which summarises our work in the area and looks ahead to the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, or visit the Northwood Green Streets blog.






school pupils and teacher help plant street trees in Everton

Pupils from West Everton's Faith Primary School teamed up with volunteers from The Friends of Everton Park to plant trees to improve their neighbourhood. The tree planting was coordinated by The Mersey Forest, and funded by Liverpool PCT as part of the city's Decade of Health and Wellbeing. Read our full Everton news story.






The Mersey Forest's Green Streets Coordinator explains the benefits of the new street trees to a class of school children on a site visit

Visit the Seaforth Green Streets blog.






Residents post with street tree in Northwood, Knowsley

Read our "Story so far" Sutton Manor case study which summarises our work in the area and looks ahead to the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, or visit the St.Helens Green Streets blog.





Green Streets partner logos










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