Our work
2025 marks 80 years since the end of the Second World War and Community Forests across the country are planning a special project, Oaks at 80, to commemorate this special occasion.
Oak trees have traditionally marked 80-year milestones.
The Oaks at 80 project will encourage local communities to collect acorns and other seeds from the local area, to plant up and grow into tree saplings.
The trees grown by the local community will be planted in sites across the Mersey Forest in 2025.
The seed gathering season traditionally starts on the autumn equinox (22 September) and lasts for about a month.
There are lots of resources about seed gathering on the Tree Council’s website.
We plant thousands of trees each year and we would love to plant the trees that you have grown. Following The Tree Council’s guide, in spring, when you check to see if your seed have germinated, rather than planting your seeds in the ground why not let us plant them for you at a site somewhere within the Mersey Forest?
If you would like to be involved, follow the steps below and get in touch. We’ll let you know details of a local drop off point to take your saplings for us to grown on for the following winters’ planting season.