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Plant and establish trees and woods 

9.9 million

Almost 10 million trees have been established in The Mersey Forest since 1991, let’s grow more together.


Trees cover 13.7% of Cheshire and Merseyside, below the England average of 14.5%. We want to boost this to 30%.


323,400 trees were established in the Mersey Forest in the last planting season.

Speak to our experienced team for independent advice about grants to plant and establish trees, woods and other habitats.  


Why plant and establish trees and woods?

Planting and establishing the right trees in the right place, alongside other crucial habitats, brings many benefits; enriching people’s lives and livelihoods, helping nature flourish, increasing climate resilience, and rekindling hope.  

There are so many great reasons to establish trees. To support support resilient and sustainable food production, enhance soil fertility and nutrient cycles, provide timber and wood products.

The woodlands and trees that we plant help to link up habitats for wildlife, capture and store carbon, reduce urban heat stress, improve water quality and reduce flooding.

Trees in our neighbourhoods bring communities together, create spaces for play and learning, improve air quality, make places look attractive, connect us with our culture and heritage, and most importantly provide hope for future generations.

Advice and funding available

We can provide free advice and funding to help you to plant and establish trees and woods, alongside other crucial habitats.  

Our advice is tailored to whether you are the landowner, farmer, a community group, or a local school. We can also support a wide range of projects – from small to large scale, urban to rural, natural regeneration to planting, and including hedgerows, trees, woods and other habitats.

Our local woodland advisors can support you through the application, planning, funding and planting stage and provide advice about ongoing maintenance. Fill out our contact form below to make an enquiry about your tree or woodland establishment project and one of our Woodland Advisors will be in touch.

Resources to support
tree planting and

There is a whole host of resources available to support the planting and establishment of trees and woods, alongside other crucial habitats. Some of these sit on our website and there are links below to partner websites that provide useful information on specific forestry topics. The resource section of our website has details about funding, maps and how to guides.

Plant a tree in your garden

A tree can be a wonderful addition to your garden if you have enough space. It can improve your wellbeing, help nature flourish, and provide shade during heatwaves. By planting a tree you will also be helping to grow The Mersey Forest.

Read our planting and care guide to help your tree grow and thrive for years to come.

Related resources

How to plant and care for trees in your garden

A short guide to planting and maintaining trees in your garden.