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How to plant and care for trees in your garden

A short guide to planting and maintaining trees in your garden.

More from Trees – A Green Recovery through the Mersey Forest

More From Trees - a Green Recovery through the Mersey Forest was an 18 month project that The Mersey Forest managed and delivered in partnership with various partners and stakeholders.

The Mersey Forest Delivery Plan 2022-27

Our Delivery Plan sets out our main areas of focus and key targets for the five year period 2022-27. It complements the main Mersey Forest Plan.

Taking root: How green investment is changing Birkenhead’s docklands

Wirral Waters is marketed as the largest regeneration project in the UK. It's a 30 year project to breathe new economic life into 300 acres that were once Birkenhead's thriving docks.

Natural Health Service Impact Report 2015-2020

This report presents the various health impacts of the Natural Health Service delivery between 2015 and 2020. Showcasing impact data for over 3,000 participants and includes in-depth analysis of the Social Return of Investment for the service.

Trees for Learning: Every Season Outdoors

An outdoor learning resource pack for Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Early Years Foundation Stage children. Season by season, the pack is filled with activities that link to the curriculum.

Green Learning Environments: The Benefits of (Learning in) Nature for Children with Special Educational Needs – Activity Pack

An outdoor learning activity pack designed for children with special needs, developed with institutions in Belgium and Slovenia as part of the European Erasmus funding programme.

More From Trees: The Mersey Forest Plan 2014

Our current long-term and strategic guide to the work of The Mersey Forest team and partners. An updated version is being prepared for spring 2025.

Investigating the effectiveness of Forest School sessions on children’s physical activity levels

This is a mixed methods study which followed a sample of 59 child participants from 4 primary schools while taking part in 12 weekly Forest School sessions through the Natural Health Service. The study was conducted by The Mersey Forest in partnership with the Physical Activity Exchange at Liverpool John Moores University.

The Mersey Forest Plan 2001

The 2001 version of the long-term and strategic guide to the work of the team and partners. This version of the Plan has since been superseded.

The Mersey Forest Plan 1994

The 1994 version of the long-term and strategic guide to the work of the team and partners. This version of the Plan has since been superseded.