Sefton newsletter, Autumn 2014

The Mersey Forest
Sefton update / Autumn 2014 What is The Mersey Forest?
In this issue
// Welcome
// £10 for every £1 invested: 2013/14 in figures
// Sefton coastal woodlands nominated for an award
// More walking and cycling routes planted with trees this winter
// New Forest School area set for Southport school
// Urban Forestry Workshop discusses trees and flood risk
// Woodland vision wins top planning award
// New season for Big Tree Plant

It's been a busy 2014 for The Mersey Forest team, and as autumn approaches, we're looking forward to an action-packed tree planting season and New Year.


In January we launched our guiding strategic document, The Mersey Forest Plan. The development of the Plan, which is recognised as a legal consideration by the government, brought together people from across our broad and diverse partnership to form a shared vision of greener, well-wooded Merseyside and North Cheshire. Its launch coincided with the Forest passing its nine-millionth tree mark - a key achievement for The Mersey Forest Partnership.


It's also been great to see the work of the partnership recognised at an international and national level this year with awards and commendations for the Forest Plan, our work in woodland management and community engagement, and with Mersey Forest team member Susannah Gill awarded European Young Forester of the Year.


We also recognise that resources for projects and programmes remains tight or is getting tighter. The Partnership continues to look for ways to broaden our funding base and continue the work to get "more from trees".

Cllr Paulette Lappin
Member for The Mersey Forest, Sefton Council
Pat McCloskey
Chair, The Mersey Forest Partnership
2013/14 in figures
Every £1 invested
creates £6 impact

The Mersey Forest continues to provide great value for money, especially in the current economic climate. Local authorities gained £6 worth of green projects for every £1 they invested in The Mersey Forest in 2013/14.


The local authorities' combined annual contribution of £167,481 led to the delivery of £1.7 million of projects right here on our doorsteps thanks to the way The Mersey Forest Team levers in extra funds.

Sefton highlights

4077 trees planted in Sefton to increase the area's tree cover

123m of new hedgerow planted, creating an important habitat for wildlife

85ha of woodland managed in Sefton to ensure its future health

Latest local news
Sefton coastal woodlands nominated for an award

Sefton coastal woodlands have been "highly commended" for a prestigious national award.

More walking and cycling routes planted with trees this winter

Hundreds of street trees are set to be planted in Sefton this winter to improve walking and cycling routes in the borough.

New Forest School area set for Southport school

School children at a Southport school are set to create an outdoor learning area in their school grounds this winter.

Forest-wide news
Urban Forestry Workshop discusses trees and flood risk

A workshop has discussed the benefits that trees can bring with regards to water management in urban areas.

Woodland vision wins top planning award

The Mersey Forest Plan has been hailed as the most innovative planning achievement in the North West of 2014 by the Royal Town Planning Institute.

New season for Big Tree Plant

The Mersey Forest is now taking applications from community groups for tree planting schemes during the 2014-15 season as part of Big Tree Plant.

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