The Whitegate Way

Traffic Free
6.4 miles / 10.3 km
1h 00m
Whitegate Way car park, Bradford Road, Winsford
OS Explorer 267 Northwich & Delamere Forest
Level, well surfaced paths
Whitegate Way car park, Clay Lane

Whitegate Way: 01606 301484

The Whitegate Way is an ideal traffic-free route from Winsford to Cuddington, near Delamere Forest Park. The Way itself is suitable for walking, cycling and horse riding, and for pushchairs and wheelchairs.

The Whitegate railway line carried salt for almost 100 years, from the mines along the west bank of the River Weaver up to Cuddington where it joined the Chester - Manchester line.

The line finally closed in 1966 and today you can enjoy a picnic at Whitegate Station, the only station along the way. Shady wooded cuttings contrast with sunny open embankments, offering spectacular views over the patchwork fields towards the Peckforton Hills.

  1. From the car park head north up the Whitegate Way, which runs along beside Bradford Road.

  2. Cross Wades Lane by the sewage works.

  3. At the T junction head left.

  4. Cross a narrow lane.

  5. Cross Grange Lane.

  6. Cross Whitegate Road.

  7. Pass through the Clay Lane car park and under Clay Lane.

  8. Pass under Kennel Lane.

  9. Pass under the A49.

  10. And the A556.

  11. Just before reaching the in-use railway line, turn left into a wooded strip of land beside it.

  12. Take the track on the left just before the road.

  13. Arrive at the end of the route.