Blundellsands to Maghull

8.9 miles / 14.3 km
4h 00m
Hall Road Coastguard Station car park, Blundellsands
OS Explorer 285 Southport & Chorley
Mostly level but some unsurfaced paths
One stile, two kissing gates, one /-shaped squeeze gap and four flights of steps
Category 5 Explain
Public conveniences near Hall Road Coastguard Station and on Leighton Avenue, Maghull

Sefton Public Rights of Way Team: 0845 140 0845

This long(ish) walk of 14½km (9 miles) takes us right across the borough of Sefton from west to east, from coast to countryside, crossing the rich meadows of the River Alt on the way. Part of the walk is on Dibb Lane, an ancient green trackway taking us over open fields towards the village of Little Crosby in the distance, with linnets, skylarks and curlews for company. Later on we enter a mature woodland, where on warm summer nights the mysterious woodcock 'rodes' along the edge of the woods proclaiming his territory with strange 'tsick' calls.

Thanks to the constant efforts of the Environment Agency, the River Alt is now as clean as it has ever been in the last hundred years or so. If you're lucky you might even catch a glimpse of the cobalt-blue kingfisher, which has recently returned to fish along its banks, or a barn owl hunting nearby ditches and fields.

A large area of woodland is passed on Maghull Hey Cop where several buzzards and a rare red kite spent most of the winter of 2002-3. Brown hares are common here and in winter huge noisy flocks of pink-footed geese fly over, especially when disturbed by aircraft from the nearby microlight landing strip.

  1. From the Coastguard Station car park head inland towards Hall Road.

  2. Bear left on the road.

  3. Cross the level crossing.

  4. Where the road makes a 90° bend to the right, head straight on along the track.

  5. Go straight on at the crossroads in Little Crosby.

  6. Turn right beside the church.

  7. Where the road makes a 90° bend to the right, head straight on along the track.

  8. At Ince Lane turn right.

  9. Turn left at the Lion Lodge Gate to Ince Blundell Park.

  10. Take the second road on the right, Carr Side Lane.

  11. Turn left on to a path immediately after the last house on the left.

  12. Turn right just before the copse.

  13. At the end of the field turn right.

  14. Cross the drain on the left shortly afterwards and head straight to the river.

  15. Cross the Alt and turn left.

  16. Turn right on to Maghull Hey Cop.

  17. At the Cheshire Lines Path, a dismantled railway, turn right.

  18. Turn left on the first road that crosses the path.

  19. Go straight on at the staggered crossroads.

  20. Turn right at the T junction.

  21. Follow the road round to the left.

  22. At the canal, turn right on the nearside towpath.

  23. Cross Bell's Lane.

  24. Cross Green Lane.

  25. Pass under Westway.

  26. Pass under Liverpool Road South.

  27. Pass under Northway.

  28. Cross Hall Lane.

  29. Cross the canal on the next footbridge, Draper's Bridge.

  30. At the end of the road turn right.

  31. Turn left after the pub into the car park.

  32. Arrive at Maghull station.