Everton Park and the Mersey

3.5 miles / 5.6 km
1h 30m
Everton Park, Brow Side, Liverpool
OS Explorer 275 Liverpool
Some steep paths, but all well surfaced

TravelWise Merseyside: 0151 330 1253

This route connects Everton Park - with its fantastic panoramic views of Liverpool, the Mersey and beyond - to the towpaths of the Leeds-Liverpool canal, and eventually through to the rapidly transforming docklands of the River Mersey.

For further information and a heritage map of the area, check out this leaflet.

  1. Start on Brow Side near Prince Rupert's Tower. Head downhill and turn right at the end of the road on to Netherfield Road South.

  2. Take the first left, Prince Edwin Street.

  3. At the end, continue straight on through the subway under the dual carriageway to Juvenal Street.

  4. From the end of Juvenal Street, cross another dual carriageway using the toucan crossing.

  5. Continue straight on to Wellington Street and turn right on to Limekiln Lane, crossing the footbridge near the tunnel mouth.

  6. Turn left on Bevington Street.

  7. Take the first right, Titchfield Street.

  8. Take the fourth left, at a crossroads, on to Burlington Street.

  9. After crossing Vauxhall Road, take the first right, Eldonian Way.

  10. Take the third left, Colin Drive.

  11. Take the first right, Lockfields Vale, towards Stanley Lock Flight.

  12. Cross the locks and head up the close opposite.

  13. Turn right on Houlgrave Road.

  14. Turn left on Barmouth Way.

  15. Turn right on Canalside Grove and head down to the canal towpath.

  16. Retrace the route back to Eldonian Way.

  17. Turn left.

  18. Turn left at the end, then immediately right on to Silvester Street.

  19. At the end turn left.

  20. Take the first right, Chapel Gardens.

  21. At the end turn left.

  22. Turn right off the road just before the library and head through the buildings to Conway Street.

  23. Cross Conway Street and head through the park, bearing left.

  24. Turn right on Netherfield Road.

  25. Turn left on to Brow Side.