Fazakerley Woods & Fields

Level paths, some unsurfaced.

No contact known

This area in the the north east of the city is now an important location for birds and other wildlife. On the west side of Lower Lane there are playing fields where golden plover can be seen and where uncommon gulls are likely to turn up at any time. To the north of the fields is an area of scrub which is an excellent place to view owls, with barn, little, tawny and long eared amongst those likely to be seen. Redpoll and siskin may be seen in the silver birch wood behind Everton Cemetery.

Between the hospital and the prison is Bluebell Wood where an urban colony of red squirrels are thriving and where the lesser spotted woodpecker is to be seen. House sparrow and song thrush are two of the threatened species which are still relatively common here.

On the eastern side of Lower Lane lies Fazakerley water treatment plant where during the recent past an area of rough grassland has been transformed into a wetland with a reed bed, which has attracted many species to winter or breed at the site, including little ringed plovers. During the winter of 2000/01, along with snow and Lapland bunting this area produced a great snipe, a little bunting and lastly but no means least a Siberian thrush.

Many of the nationally declining species are still common in this area and a visit to the site is always rewarding.

Please note that there is no public access to the reed bed and wetland, which can be overlooked from Lower Lane.

Photo © Mike Pennington