Fluker's Brook Wood

A fully accessible cycleway path passes through the woodland
Knowsley Council: 0151 489 6000
Fluker's Brook Wood is a young plantation created in the 1990s through the NUVIL Initiative (New Use for Vacant Industrial Land). The purpose of this scheme was to plant new woodlands with a view that they would be used for commercial wood production. However, the scheme was not continued and the woodland is now managed for its natural and recreational value.

The woodland stretches from Fluker's Brook Lane at its northern tip to the boundary with the much older Little Wood to the south, off Croxteth Lane. There are currently proposals for the establishment of a new cycleway to be completed before April 2014 to connect with the bridle way to the north of the site (west of the M57) linking with Gelling's Lane and also heading west through Little Wood, linking up with Croxteth Park and Mab Lane Community Woodland in Liverpool.