Meakin's Pits (West)

Fully accessible cycleway
Knowsley Council: 0151 489 6000
A woodland belt identified as Meakin's Pits appears on maps dating back as far as 1894. However, the woodland only appears in 1927 in its full extent; the result of tree planting, most likely, for wood production. Indeed, stands of pine within the present day Meakin's Pits (East) signify this (viewable across the M57 when standing at Meakin's Pits (West).

Meakin's Pit was split into two woodlands when the M57 was built in 1972-74. This western side is the smaller of the two and is a remnant of the original older belt of woodland (a further woodland block south of this woodland is a further remnant, though this is not publicly accessible). Similar to other local community woodlands, the site is likely to have historical connections with the Knowsley Hall Estate.

Meakin's Pits (West) is best accessed from a bridleway running down the western side of the M57 from Fluker's Brook Lane. Despite its small size, it is a mature woodland containing a pond habitat and is highly valuable for wildlife (formally designated Local Wildlife Site). It forms part of a network of community woodlands around Knowsley Village that offer extensive walking opportunities.