Syder's Grove

Informal unsurfaced paths only
Knowsley Council: 0151 489 6000
Syder's Grove lies in the heart of Knowsley Village. It is a mature wood and is perhaps the most used wood serving the village. Maps dating back to 1850 show a slither of woodland called Syder's Grove east of the current site. It is only in maps dated after 1893 that Syder's Grove is shown in its current location. At the time, it appears to have covered most of the land north of Sugar Lane, far beyond its current extent. It's surroundings changed in the late 1970s, when the farmland around the site was developed for housing.

The wood contains fine mature specimens of oak, ash & other native trees, but has a dominance of sycamore. This dominance may indicate a period of non-management of the site at some point in the past, as sycamore is known to colonise areas of unmanaged ground and woodland. Knowsley Council's future management of the site will favour native trees over the sycamore to help build the site's future wildlife value.