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Did you know?

Over 900,000 tonnes of CO2 are sequestered by habitats across The Mersey Forest

People picking apples in autumn

Tree atlas

This is our online mapping portal. It contains mapping layers to guide the work of our team and partners. We want the layers to be as useful as they can be, so please get in touch if you have any suggestions for other layers you’d like us to include, or if you need further guidance on how to use the Tree Atlas. The data layers included relate to:
  • Our long-term tree cover ambitions – part of our Mersey Forest Plan
  • Administrative boundaries
  • Existing trees and woods
  • Change in trees and woods as a result of our work
  • Places where more trees and woods might be needed for different reasons
  • Places where there might be constraints to tree and woodland establishment
  • Places where people have suggested they would like to see more trees and woods added. Suggestions can be added using the ‘Please add your suggested trees here.’ tab in the sidebar on the left. Our team will follow up on any suggested locations to see if it is possible to add trees there.

Please explore the Tree Atlas below.

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