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What is The Mersey Forest

Did you know?

Trees cover 13.7% of The Mersey Forest - our ambition is for 30%, by 2050 we aim to reach 15%

We are Cheshire and Merseyside’s Community Forest, established in the early 1990s. We work with trees for the benefit of people, nature, and climate.

For the past 30 years, we have been growing the network of well looked after trees and woods, as well as other habitats, and encouraging people to get involved. As a result, almost 10 million new trees have been established, or 4 trees for every person living here.

We work with lots of people and organisations to make this happen – partners, landowners, managers, and farmers, and local communities, businesses and schools. Together, we are bringing change for the benefit of all.

We are one of England’s 15 Community Forests and part of the Northern Forest initiative.

Our vision

More with trees – Acting together to grow tree cover to 30% across Cheshire and Merseyside; intertwining cherished trees with enriched people, flourishing nature, a resilient climate, and rekindled hope.

This vision is set out in our long-term strategic plan.