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Enjoy trees and woods


Almost 70% of households in The Mersey Forest have at least 3 trees within 25m.


Roughly 55% of households in our area are within 300m of a greenspace.


Only 3% of households in Cheshire and Merseyside live in a neighbourhood with at least 30% tree cover, we are working to improve this.

Thanks to GroundsWell for providing these statistics

GroundsWell team

Explore the woods

The local woods are a great place to explore, to take some time out on your own in peaceful surroundings or to enjoy with family and friends.

Throughout the year there is so much to see and experience, from observing nature, to the spectacle of the changing seasons. They are a fantastic place to get active and connect with nature, both of which boost our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

The Mersey Forest has been growing the woodland network and increasing people’s access to woods since 1991. Now is a great time to get out and explore, whether you are walking, wheeling, cycling or horse riding.

Find accessible woods near to you

The map here shows publicly accessible woods, along with public rights of way that may pass through or by woodlands.

If you want to plan a route, Ordnance Survey Explorer maps are a good option. Many local libraries have them to borrow, or you can buy paper maps from the Ordnance Survey.  There are also numerous apps and websites to help you find locations and plan routes including:

Things to do

There are lots of great ideas for things to do in woodlands on the internet, including walks, nature identification, foraging, scavenger hunts, geocaching, and den building. The Woodland Trust website is a great place to start for inspiration.

Find events in your area

Woodlands are a setting for a number of organised events and activities, including festivals, walks, talks, tree planting, caring for green spaces, and family activities. There are often things going on.

We will share events that we are organising or aware of on our social media channels and in our enewsletter. Make sure you sign-up and follow us to keep up-to-date.

Become a citizen scientist

You might want to share any observations you make to add to our collective understanding and enjoyment of these spaces. Some ideas are below: