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Local children set out their demands for more nature in their communities

25th July 2024

The Mersey Forest has been working closely with children from schools in the north west on a Treescapes: Voices of the Future project, to gain a better insight into young people’s understanding and imaginings of the treescapes around them.

Plant More Trees graphic

As part of this project a tree manifesto has been developed by Year 5 children at Seymour Park Community Primary School in Old Trafford, Manchester, to share their dreams and demands for trees and nature in their community.

Collectively the group have said:

“Plant more trees, now!
Let us have a future.”

Images from the manifesto have been displayed at key locations throughout Merseyside and Manchester this summer. Many thanks to Clear Channel for providing this free advertising space across a range of sites, through their Platform for Good scheme.

The children’s tree manifesto, developed in conjunction with Manchester Metropolitan University and City of Trees, with illustrations curated by Maisy Summer, shows the children’s commitment to a greener, cleaner and fairer Earth.

How will the children’s manifesto be used?

Information will be taken from the manifesto, and wider Voices of the Future project, to feed into The Mersey Forest’s strategic Forest Plan, which is currently being redrafted. It will also inform our work with schools, as we deliver forest school and tree planting sessions across Merseyside and Cheshire.

What action can you take to support this work?

The challenges associated with the climate and nature crises can feel overwhelming for individuals but there are things we can all do to help increase tree cover and give nature a helping hand in our communities. Below are some ideas to get you started.

  • Plant a tree in your garden – if you have the room consider planting a tree in your garden. If space doesn’t allow, you could plant some pollinator friendly plants instead. Read our guide to planting trees in your garden for advice on how to plant and care for your tree.
  • Join a local ‘friends of’ group – there are lots of fantastic ‘friends of’ groups in the area that are playing their part to care for local parks and green spaces. Find out about some of the local groups in the area.
  • Join a community planting day – tree planting takes place between October and March each year. We’ll post details of any community tree planting events taking place in the area on our social media channels. Follow us to keep up to date.
  • Share our tree planting grant offer – The Mersey Forest provide tree and woodland creation grants that cover up to 100% of the cost of planting and associated infrastructure, plus up to 15 years maintenance payments. If you know someone with land that might be interested share our website with them.
  • Become a citizen scientist – Take part in one of many national citizen science projects that will help researchers understand more about the natural world and how it is adapting to a changing climate. The BBC, Wildlife Trusts, and Record all have information about how to get involved on their websites.

Get in touch with us

This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council

For more information about Treescapes: Voices for the Future visit Manchester Metropolitan University Website.

View the full manifesto by Seymour Park Community Primary School.