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Natural Health Service

The Natural Health Service

The Natural Health Service uses the natural environment to improve health and wellbeing across Merseyside and North Cheshire. 

We see the natural environment – our parks, woodlands and other green spaces – as a vitally important health asset; places that can contribute to the prevention and treatment of physical and mental health conditions.

Our range of evidence-based services use the natural environment as the basis for their delivery and effectiveness and are available to the NHS, local authorities and other commissioners as part of a holistic approach to health and social care. 

Joining the group is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. At a time when I was feeling despondent and on the scrap heap, it has truly given me a new lease of life.

Health Walks – Walking activities tailored to individual needs and designed to help meet target exercise and physical activity levels whilst improving mental wellbeing.  

Horticultural Therapy – Gardening and food growing activities in a social setting. Encourages moderate physical activity and improves mental wellbeing through giving a sense of purpose and achievement.  

Mindful contact with nature – Specifically developed nature-based mindfulness practice. Improves mental health and increases resilience towards day-to-day triggers of stress, depression and anxiety. Shown to increase capacity to self-manage long-term chronic conditions.  

Healthy Conservation – Improving a participant’s strength and stamina through nature-based conservation projects, boosting practical skills and confidence, increasing physical activity and building social networks.  

Forest school – Targeted at increasing physical activity and improving mental wellbeing of young people. Forest School is an innovative approach to outdoor play and learning, inspiring through positive outdoor experiences.

The Natural Health Service is currently being delivered in Cheshire. We hope to be able to provide services in more areas soon. 

Find out more on the Natural Health Service website